Back To School Enrollment
Back To School Enrollment
Objective: To maintain a smoke-free environment & protect the health of all who work, enrolled/attend or visit Brentwood Child Care.
The Policy: Smoking (or holding a lit cigarette) is prohibited in all areas of Brentwood Child Care, including the outdoor play areas and pathways, whether children are present or not.
Responsibilities and Procedures:
Introduction: The Importance of a Tobacco- and Nicotine-Free Daycare Policy
A childcare center is an environment where kids are nurtured and good habits are encouraged. Childcare programs establish partnerships with families that can positively promote healthy habits in children’s homes.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), exposure to nicotine and tobacco toxins is dangerous – especially for infants and children. Children exposed to second and thirdhand smoke toxins are at a higher risk of health issues, including SIDS, acute respiratory infections, ear infections, learning disabilities, behavioral problems, and asthma.
According to the American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC), due to the rise in electronic cigarettes and vapors, nicotine poisonings reported in infants and children tripled in 2014. This trend continues in 2015, with 2,452 e-cigarette devices and liquid nicotine poisonings so far this year. AAPCC has reported that more than half of the reported poisonings occurred in children under six.
What can you do to protect children from the dangers of smoking and vaping?
Action Steps:
· Adopt a tobacco- and nicotine-free environment in your home and cars
· Educate yourself about the dangers of tobacco toxins and how to become tobacco-free
· Encourage smoke-free homes and cars to family and friends with children
· Ensure family and friends do not expose your kids or others to second or thirdhand toxins
Second and Thirdhand Smoke:
How to Keep Kids Safe
According to the Surgeon General Report of 2014, there is no safe level of tobacco exposure. Children can be protected from both secondhand and thirdhand smoke by creating a tobacco-free environment.
Even at deficient levels, tobacco smoke exposure is associated with poor academic performance and more serious behavioral problems in children. Tobacco exposure affects kids’ health now and into adulthood.
· Secondhand smoke comes from the lit end of a cigarette and from what is exhaled by the smoker. 2nd hand smoke does not dissipate through an open window and is circulated throughout cars, homes, and even separate apartments. Smoke-free homes and cars are an effective way to prevent smoke exposure.
· Thirdhand smoke is the toxic residue from cigarettes and cigars that remains on surfaces like clothing, hair, skin, pets, carpet, walls, furniture, and cars. 3rd hand smoke also contains nicotine and cancer-causing chemicals, including arsenic, lead, and cyanide.
Secondhand and thirdhand smoke is hazardous to infants and children since their organs are not fully developed.
· Secondhand smoke can trigger asthma attacks, cause SIDS, respiratory tract infections, ear infections, pneumonia, and bronchitis, impair brain development, and affect behavior.
· Thirdhand smoke is difficult to remove. Infants and toddlers have the most exposure since their faces are often close to the hair, clothes, furniture, and other surfaces. Nicotine can be potentially fatal to infants and children too.
· Manufacturers of e-cigarettes or vapes and their e-liquids are not required to accurately list the amount of nicotine in their products.
· Less than one teaspoon of nicotine could be fatal to a young child.
Tobacco-Free, Nicotine & Cannabis/Weed Policy
Due to the acknowledged hazards to young children arising from exposure to tobacco use. It shall be the policy of Brentwood Child Care to provide a tobacco- and nicotine-free environment for staff/visitors/parents/students. This policy covers the use of any tobacco for this policy “tobacco” is defined to include any lighted or unlighted cigarette, cigar, pipe, and any other smoking product; and spit tobacco, also known as smokeless, dip, chew, spitless, snus and snuff, in any form; including, but not limited to, non-FDA approved cessation nicotine products, digital/electronic nicotine delivery systems, e.g., “e-cigarette,” vapor products or anything that simulates or can be construed as being a smoking or smokeless tobacco product (i.e., herbal smoking products) and applies to employees and all non-employees including visitors and vendors.
· There will be no tobacco use or electronic cigarettes in any area of the daycare center, including the campus at any time.
· There will be no tobacco/cannabis use in your vehicle on campus at any time. There will be no tobacco/cannabis use in your cars when transporting children to or from daycare facilities or authorized activities. Third-hand smoke is the toxic residue from cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cannabis/weed, and cigars that remain on clothing, hair, and skin surfaces.
· There will be no tobacco use by staff or volunteers on campus. This includes all indoor or outdoor activities.
· Field Trips walks, and all outside activities will be tobacco and electronic cigarette-free.
· All employees who use tobacco at home will be required to bring clothing not worn around tobacco users.
· Employees that leave campus and use tobacco while out will be required to change clothes and wash hands thoroughly when reentry of the daycare occurs. (DO NOT SMOKE IN YOUR UNIFORM BEFORE WORK OR DURING YOUR LUNCH BREAKS)
Dear Parents:
On April 23, 2019, Brentwood Child Care adopted a comprehensive tobacco- and nicotine-free school policy. This policy prohibits all tobacco and nicotine product use by staff, visitors, and parents everywhere on campus, at all times. A copy of the new policy is attached.
This policy was adopted for several reasons:
To provide a safe environment for your children. We must provide safe and healthy learning and work environment for children and staff. Exposure to secondhand smoke can trigger an asthma attack or make respiratory problems worse. Exposure to secondhand smoke can also cause behavioral problems, hindering your child’s learning experience. Adults smoking outside near building entrances places others at risk. To provide a cleaner campus. Discarded smoking and spit-tobacco materials litter our facility grounds, parking lots, and vehicles. Cleaning or replacing items damaged by smoke or discarded smoking/spit tobacco materials is costly. Also, the litter of cigarette butts around the facility can be accidentally picked up by children, which could be dangerous if they eat it. Prohibiting tobacco use on our facility grounds will provide students, staff, and visitors a cleaner and safer environment.
If you have questions or comments about the policy, please feel free to contact the center at (919)-872-6004. If you or another family member is interested in quitting tobacco, please call 1800-Quit-Now.
Thank you so much for being so supportive.
Dashai Rossi/Executive Director
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